Eurovision: Why Are We Even Trying?

SO it’s that time of year again. Eurovision is rearing its ugly head and once again the United Kingdom has decided not to bother this year. Only some people didn’t get the memo.

How on earth did the committee think that 6 piano ballads sung by 6 X Factor rejects would possibly stand a chance in Europe? If this is the state of popular music in the country now then I think we may as well all throw in the towel now. British music is far better than this, rather than shitting out 6 shades of beige every year why not acknowledge we have no change and go in all guns blazing? Something different and extravagant. After all, that’s what Eurovision is all about isn’t it? Everything done over the top in a grand spectacle.

In all I think that the current crop of candidates to represent the UK in Eurovision just about sums up the general British attitude to Europe. We have no desire to put any effort into what we give them, but we’re all too ready to complain and cry conspiracy when things don’t go our way. It’s a shame really, because it really portrays British music in a negative light.

If you can stay awake long enough to, listen to the British shortlist here.